In 2023, Christina Buysse, MD, received a Community Engaged Research to Promote Health Equity (CERPHE) Pilot Grant from the Children’s Fund- supported Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute. Titled “Promoting Resilience at the Intersection of Community, Legal, Medical, and Educational Supports,” her project built a bridge between Stanford health care providers and Latino families living in the coastal Bay Area. Ayudando Latinos a Soñar (ALAS), named Nonprofit of the Year for San Mateo County last year, partnered with Buysse to connect families with health services that have been under-accessed by local families. Community members guided Buysse’s team to identify and overcome barriers to health care access. Importantly, after the 2023 mass shooting in Half Moon Bay deeply affected local families, the team was able to support ALAS in mobilizing mental health resources immediately. “Working closely with ALAS, we developed a simple intervention that provides care how, where, and when families have the best access,” explains Buysse. “Community engagement guided us to feasible solutions that support wellness in our community.” Thank you for supporting vital research and community partnerships through your generous gifts!
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Researcher Spotlight: Christina Buysse, MD