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Dear friends,

Our Packard Children's team is on the front lines, fighting for the health of our community during the COVID-19 crisis. From the caregivers stepping up to this new challenge, medical students offering to babysit, housekeeping staff ensuring our hospital is safe and clean, and donors like YOU giving all you can—it's all hands on deck here. I want to personally thank you for your ongoing support, and over the next few weeks we'll continue to share highlights from our hospital's response to this pandemic.

Our Caregivers

Our hospital has been supporting testing for pediatric patients, postponing elective surgeries to free up capacity, limiting visitors to protect our patients, and providing additional support to staff, patients, and families. In addition, we are ramping up telehealth services to deliver care safely. We have seen a ten-fold increase to 700 telehealth visits a day as doctors across the hospital shift to seeing patients virtually! Read more about our work on our COVID-19 Response page.

Our Experts

We are proud to be a part of Stanford Medicine's contributions toward our nation's COVID-19 response, which includes one of the first FDA-approved diagnostic tests. Additionally, we are focused on caring for the physical and mental health of our community. This week, Victor Carrion, MD, director of our Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Program, and Elizabeth Reichert, PhD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, hosted this helpful webinar about how to talk to young people about COVID-19. 

Our #PackardProud Community

Last week, more than 460 supporters like you submitted messages of thanks to our doctors, nurses, and staff who are working tirelessly to give the best care to our patients and their families. One of my favorite stories this week came from a 16-year-old former patient named Felix, who sent a donation with this touching note: "I really thank you for all that you have done for me and my family for several years now. I have decided to stop saving up for a Nintendo Switch and donate to your cause out of my earnings from being a math tutor."

I have never been more proud of Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford staff and supporters like you. We are all in this together! You have been here for us and we're here for you.

All my best,

Cynthia J. Brandt, PhD
President and CEO
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health

P.S. Here is an opportunity for you and your family to support our patients and caregivers during the COVID-19 crisis.