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Introducing Our New Brand

Since 1997, the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health has been singularly focused on unlocking philanthropy to transform the health of children and families, in…

In the News (Fall 2022)

New Allergy Clinic Opens at Stanford   The new David and Julia Koch Clinic at the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research is…

Chariot Uses Technology to Calm Kids

Eight-year-old Theo sat quietly in the Surgery Center at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, clutching his stuffed dinosaur and listening as a child life specialist…

An Invaluable Legacy

Barbara Sourkes and Harvey Cohen are retiring as pioneers in pediatric palliative care.  When Harvey Cohen, MD, PhD, was chief of staff at Lucile Packard…

Innovations in Pediatric Oncology

Every day at Stanford, new research is improving outcomes for children with cancer. By studying everything from cancer’s minute cellular interactions to the clinical results…