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PANS Awareness Day: Shadow Syndromes

Friday, October 09 - Friday, October 09, 2020 | 12:00 am - 11:45 pm

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While the course is open to everyone, a donation of $20 is greatly appreciated and will support the PANS Clinic and Research Fund.

This course compliments the Award Winning book Shadow Syndromes: Shining a Light on PANS. This book tells the story of  Anychild's journey into the dark and frightening world of PANS, and acts as a reminder that PANS is an illness that can happen to Anyfamily.

 This video course can be shared with family members, teachers, coaches, and anyone else who can benefit from learning more about PANS and other pediatric neuroinflammatory disorders. The course also includes a CME education activity by Dr. Margo Thienemann a lead clinician with the Stanford PANS Clinic.

Every gift makes a meaningful impact in the lives of patients and their families. Thank you for your support!

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