Building Centralized Care Coordination for Children with Medical Complexity
Organization: State University of New York
Primary Contact: Dennis Kuo, MD, MHS
Grant Amount: $68,903 for 10 months
Date Awarded:
There is a great deal of interest among health plans in the potential of care coordination to reduce health care costs and improve quality. In individual pediatric practices, and usually at their own initiative, health care providers generally offer a broad array of services intended to address the multiple medical, family, and social factors that affect children’s health. Practices not only coordinate among medical providers, but also try to plan and organize services provided by various therapists, equipment providers, community agencies, and public programs, including schools. An important question is how to scale up this type of comprehensive service from individual practices to health care systems while still meeting the needs and expectations of children and their families. This project will design a family-centered system of care coordination for children with medical complexity served centrally by a health plan, and develop concrete operational steps for providers and health care systems to implement care coordination for this population.
Project completed