Orange County Care Coordination Collaborative for Kids (OCC3 for Kids)
Organization: Help Me Grow Orange County
Primary Contact: Rebecca Hernandez, MSEd
Grant Amount: $18,000 for 12 months
Date Awarded:
Date Completed:
With the benefit of medical advances, Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) are living longer and making the transition from childhood into adulthood. This includes a transition from receiving medical care from pediatric primary and specialty care providers to receiving care from adult providers. However, Orange County has a shortage of adult primary and specialty care providers who are trained and/or comfortable serving CSHCN. Further, there is a great need for planning, connection, and networking between pediatric providers serving CSHCN, and the adult providers who may “receive” these transitioning CSHCN. OCC3 for Kids will begin to address the issue of transition of care by generating awareness of the problem, increasing communication among providers (pediatric and adult), educating providers about best practices, developing a provider toolkit, and providing training.
Read more about the previous work of OCC3 for Kids.
The Orange County Care Coordination Collaborative for Kids (OCC3 for Kids) addressed the issue of transition to adult care by convening interested stakeholders at its monthly coalition meeting and establishing a transition workgroup. The workgroup developed a county-specific provider toolkit and resource list. Members conducted several training sessions, and the toolkit is available for free online, both for use in Orange County health systems, and for adaptation by other counties. As a result of this work, OCC3 for Kids also has been asked to serve on a transition task force at Children’s Hospital Orange County, and to advise on improving transition services at the Regional Center of Orange County.