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What would an ideal system of care for children with special health care needs and their families look like? To address this question, the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health convened dozens of experts and asked them to take a step back from their roles in the existing health care delivery system and imagine a reconfigured system that would produce optimal health outcomes for children and families.

Using industrial design techniques, participants in these convenings identified weaknesses in the current system and proposed alternatives. They then constructed a model of an enhanced system, which is described in this report.

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This issue brief identifies inconsistencies within the federal laws governing access to pediatric at-home care and provides recommendations for how states can provide access and high-quality care to children at home.

Drawn from a scan of all 50 U.S. states, this brief published by the National Academy for State Health Policy highlights strategies designed to address inequities in accessing pediatric specialty care and support equitable systems of care for CYSHCN.