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Free Webinar- Parenting Athletes: Fostering Athlete Mental Health and Coping

Friday, November 17 - Friday, November 17, 2023 | 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm

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Presented by the Stanford Parenting Center

Nov 17 | 12:00-1:00 PM PST

Presented by Stanford Child and Adolescent Psychiatry professors Dr. Kristene Hossepian and Dr. Victoria Cosgrove, this webinar will provide a background on the fundamentals of parent-child communication and discuss ways in which children and teens learn about coping. We will specifically focus on practical strategies which parents can use to foster athlete mental health and coping, as well as provide guidelines to consider when parents interact with other parents, children, and coaches. The webinar will include a live Q&A session.

Learn more at the Stanford Parenting Center website, or register for the free online Zoom webinar here.

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