Development of a Transition Task Force for Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition in California
Organization: Jacob's Heart Children's Cancer Support Services
Primary Contact: Christy Torkildson
Grant Amount: $50,000 for 7 months
Date Awarded:
Date Completed:
Funding will support a multidisciplinary and geographically diverse Transition Task Force to inform next steps and strategic plan for a coalition of pediatric palliative care (PPC) stakeholders in California. The goal of strategic planning is to create a unified voice for PPC in the state and expand access to high-quality PPC across the continuum of care, from hospital to home.
An engaged and diverse Transition Task Force was established. The Task Force led an environmental scan of pediatric palliative care resources and services in California, which led to an interactive webpage that catalogues resources and allows for future crowd-sourcing of information. An outline of next steps in solidifying a pediatric palliative care coalition in the state was developed and an interim fiscal agent partnership for the work was established.