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Public Forum to Consider Children’s Weight, School Food

PALO ALTO – The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health will present “Watching Children’s Weight: What You and Your School Can Do,” a free public forum, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27, at Graham Middle School, 1175 Castro Street, Mountain View. The forum will consider how families and schools can work together to improve the food served at schools, and how to help children develop healthful nutrition and exercise habits.

Speakers will include:
– Thomas Robinson, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of pediatrics and of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and director of the Center for Healthy Weight at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
– Colleen Wilcox, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Public Instruction.
– Marjorie Freedman, a mother and professional nutritionist who is voluntarily restructuring the food service at her daughter’s middle school.
– Rebecca Levin, discussing a recent Kaiser Family Foundation Bay Area survey about children’s weight.
– Local students discussing what they eat and why.

Spanish translation is available. The evening will include light refreshments and drawings for gift baskets.

Co-sponsors of the forum are the Kaiser Family Foundation and the San Jose Mercury News.

RSVP: (650) 724-5778 or