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Thank You Notes (Fall 2021)

Every day, donors like you make gifts of all sizes to build a healthier future for children and expectant mothers. Your support makes our hospital…

Today’s Philanthropy, Tomorrow’s Cures

Generous support from our donors enables Packard Children’s Hospital to invest in leading-edge research and attract world-class pediatric specialists. Tanja Gruber, MD, PhD, knows firsthand…

VIDEO: Willie’s Wish

Meet Willie, 7-year-old bike lover, big brother, and a kidney transplant patient at our hospital. When he found out he was granted a wish from…

Transforming Loss into Life

How one family’s tragedy advanced newborn care worldwide. Christopher Hess lived only a short while, but he has saved countless lives. That’s because Christopher’s legacy…

A High-Stakes Decision

The Makhzoumi family chose Packard Children’s for their son’s care and their philanthropic support. Kate and Mohamad Makhzoumi say they felt a mixture of “shock…

Thank You Notes (Summer 2021)

Every day, donors like you make gifts of all sizes to build a healthier future for children and expectant mothers. Your support makes our hospital…