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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, states rapidly established new funding mechanisms and implemented emergency regulations, while providers deployed innovative technologies to connect with their patients. A report from Health Management Associates examines how COVID-19 and the responses by federal and state governments, health systems, and providers affect health care for CYSHCN in both the short and long term. The report identifies key policy flexibilities enacted during the public health emergency and summarizes stakeholders’ perspectives about the impact of the flexibilities on CYSHCN and their families and providers.

A series of recommendations are offered for federal, state, and local programs and health systems.

For a recap, video, and slides of our July 2021 webinar where speakers reflected on what is important to retain and how to apply lessons learned moving forward, please see COVID-19 Telehealth Policies Affecting CYSHCN: What to Keep, Modify, or Discard?

See our November 2021 webinar where speakers discussed the regulatory flexibilities that had a positive impact on the behavioral health of CYSHCN, reflected on the unique stressors and behavioral health needs of this population, and highlighted policy recommendations to address those needs.