Policy Brief on Title V: Recommendations to Assist Youth and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs Aging Out of Title V
This policy brief by the National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health looks at the changes that low-income youth and young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities face as they age out of the Title V Program for CYSHCN. The authors present findings on age cut-offs, program strategies, and the increased challenges that certain CYSHCN populations face when accessing adult public program benefits. They also offer recommendations for program and policy reform; training and referral; training and feedback; and other strategies to bolster connections to adult-serving systems and decrease disruptions and disparities in access to adult public program services. This policy brief is part of a larger national study on aging out of public programs.
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Policy Briefs: Recommendations to Assist Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Aging Out of:

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Policy Brief