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2018 Report on Giving

In 2018, you and 15,870 other donors gave $136 million to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and the child and maternal health programs at Stanford…

Racing to Find a Cure

Alabama family rallies the community to raise funds for life-saving research. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of thousands of people cheering on Kruz…

Fighting a Phenomenon

Researchers respond to alarming rise in teen vaping. At 17, Karin Felsher noticed a risky new trend among her high school classmates. Hiding under tables…

Protecting Precious Heads

Concussion experts team up to turn science into safer helmets. “Ro-Ro, don’t forget your helmet!” calls David Camarillo, PhD, as his 4-year-old daughter, Rosie, jumps…

Thank You Notes (Spring 2019)

Every day, donors like you make gifts of all sizes to build a healthier future for children and expectant mothers. Your support makes our hospital…

In the News (Spring 2019)

Seth Ammerman, MD, Founder of the Teen Health Van, Retires Seth Ammerman, MD, clinical associate professor of pediatrics (adolescent medicine), has retired after 28 years…