Leave a Lasting Impact“My dream is that 50 years from now, the childhood diseases that cause so much anguish today will have disappeared.”- Lucile Salter Packard
A planned gift to the Lucile Packard
Foundation for Children’s Health is one of the most powerful ways to advance
research and care for children and expectant mothers.
Some Ways Our Donors Made an Impact Last
How You Can Contribute to Future Impact:
Including a Bequest in Your
Will or Trust
Including a
bequest to the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health in your will or
trust helps power our mission to elevate the priority of children’s
Your bequest will
advance research and care in the future while preserving your assets today. If you are
considering a bequest, please contact us for a confidential and nonbinding conversation
with one of our experts to discuss what makes sense for your needs, wants, and
Other Ways to
Find the
best option: We'll work to help you choose how to give and

Qualified Charitable Donation from IRA
Transfer all or part of your required minimum distribution and avoid paying income

Beneficiary Designation
Name the Foundation as a future beneficiary of your retirement account or life
insurance policy.

Charitable Gift Annuity
Make a gift to the hospital while maintaining an income stream for yourself or
loved ones.

Charitable Remainder Trust
Make a gift that will be invested for growth and provide an income stream to

Additional Giving Options
We accept gifts of other asset types as well. Reach out to start a discussion with
your free Gift Planning Guide.
Our comprehensive guide will help you plan ahead to protect
your loved ones and secure your assets.
Stories of Planned Giving
Featured Donors: Find out how these donors
made a huge impact on our patients.

Stay connected with us.
Learn more about gift planning by signing up
for our newsletter.
Meet Our Team

our Gift Planning Brochure.
The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health is a
tax-exempt organization and does not provide tax, legal, or financial advice. Any document
or information provided to you by our staff is intended to be educational and
informational. The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health strongly
encourages all of our donors to seek counsel from their own legal and financial