Many states are just beginning the work of creating equitable systems of care for CYSHCN, often in challenging political climates. In this grant, NASHP will host roundtable events and a national summit to foster cross-state sharing of successful strategies and provide states with support for adapting and implementing strategies.
Many states are eager to address health care inequities in their programs serving CYSHCN. To promote this work the foundation has over the past decade...
In spite of widespread recognition of the importance and benefits of care coordination, many states report challenges around implementing care coordination that fully and effectively...
Currently there are no widely accepted national care coordination standards for children with complex conditions. A grant to the National Academy for State Health Policy...
In the past, the health care needs of children with chronic and complex conditions have been met variously in terms of access and quality, and...
To identify leading Medicaid quality incentive strategies and models, identify gaps in quality measurement and approaches, and outline strategies and recommendations to strengthen quality improvement...
Several states already have transferred children with special health care needs into Medicaid managed care systems. NASHP researchers will identify best practices and commonly encountered...
To describe the federal requirements of states and managed care organization to identify and service individuals with additional health care needs.
To disseminate the Foundation’s national consensus standards for systems of care for CSHCN to state leaders of Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Programs for children,...