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Family-Led Academic Grand Rounds for Pediatrics

Organization: University of Wisconsin and Bluebird Way Foundation

Primary Contact: Cara Coleman and Danielle Gerber

Grant Amount: $178,947 for 24 months

Date Awarded:


Medical training on the care of children with medical complexity (CMC) is usually delivered by health care professionals with a focus on medical diagnosis and treatment. Medical trainees are introduced to the importance of family-centered care and whole-person care, but they are not always taught how to provide it. Families of CMC have firsthand insights into barriers, strategies, and solutions to navigating a complex system of care. However, the inclusion of the family experience in grand rounds typically is on an ad hoc basis, leading to a disconnect between families and providers.

Family-Led Academic Grand (FLAG) Rounds flips the traditional grand rounds model by embracing families and youth as primary medical educators.  This pilot series will focus on different aspects of ableism in pediatric health care and the impact on CMC and their families. This project is a critical first step toward gathering valuable information on feasibility, training methods, and next steps for expanding FLAG Rounds.