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Optimizing Medical Device Education for Spanish-Speaking Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity

Organization: Stanford University School of Medicine

Primary Contact: Stephanie Squires

Grant Amount: $192,950 for 24 months

Date Awarded:


Children with complex medical conditions often require medical devices, such as feeding or breathing tubes. Operating these devices correctly can mean the difference between life or death for CYSHCN, so effective training for caregivers is crucial. But what happens when caregivers who speak a language other than English receive medical device training without an interpreter present? This project will identify barriers to providing medical device education in languages other than English and assess whether caregivers feel prepared to use the devices after receiving training. The research team aims to generate data that will help address inequities in medical device education and ensure that fewer children with complex medical needs are readmitted to the hospital due to challenges with their life-saving devices.