Paid Family Caregiving for Children with Medical Complexity and Disabilities
Pediatric home health care is in crisis. Children with medical complexity require a substantial amount of medical care and activities-of-daily-living support to live at home. However, due to a shrinking pool of available home health care workers and narrow state eligibility requirements for services, most of their care is increasingly delivered by families without pay. In response, the option to pay family caregivers for their children’s medical labor is gaining national traction. This webinar provided a brief overview of laws that govern care for this population and specific models of paid family caregiving, and how they have been recently expanded in several states. Speakers explored a policy solution to pay families to provide home health care to their children with medical complexity and disabilities.
Webinar Recording
Cara Coleman, JD, MPH
Family Voices
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Carolyn Foster, MD, MS
Northwestern University/Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
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Nannette Salasek
Health Care Systems Administrator, Raising Special Kids
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Bill Sczepanski
VP, Government Relations, Team Select Home Care
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