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We're Here to Help

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in children’s health! We invite you to continue to stand with us, and together, we will make a difference–one child at a time. If you would like to contact a member of our team, please call the number below or fill  out this form, and we will be back in touch soon!

Our address:
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 340
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 461-9800

Smiling patient in hospital bed

Contact Us

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Frequently Asked Questions

Plan a Fundraiser

Plan a Fundraiser

How long should I expect to wait for event approval? 

Upon submission of your event information form, please allow three to five business days for a response. Please provide as much detail as possible on the form to help expedite the process. 

Can I use the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford name? 

When using the hospital name for your event, you must use the phrase “benefiting Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.” For example: “Walk-a-thon benefiting Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.” 

Can I use the hospital’s logo?

Upon approval, you may use our hospital’s logo on any collateral (website, flyer, banner, etc.) that you create for your event. Once your event is approved, we will provide the official logo. Logo use will be established on a case-by-case basis and is not permitted for corporate events. 

How can I get the word out about my event? 

We have the following tools available for you to get the word out about your event: 

  • Fundraising Pages are a perfect way to raise support online 
  • Create a flyer using our hospital’s logo or use one of our flyer templates to place around the community
  • Post your event on our events calendar 

How can I use Fundraising Pages as a way to promote my event? 

It’s fun and easy to create a personalized Fundraising Page to collect online donations! With this simple tool, you can share your story, watch your progress, and send thank-you notes to supporters. Get started by completing the online form. Then, we can help you optimize your page, create a custom URL, and more. Create your page today! 

Can I use Fundraising Pages to sell goods or services like tickets to an event, items, etc.?

All donations submitted through Fundraising Pages are treated as 100% tax-deductible. You may not offer any goods or services in exchange for a gift on your page as this will limit the tax-deductibility of the gift.

Will someone from the hospital or the Foundation be present at my event?

Because of the large demand for clinical and support staff time, we cannot guarantee that someone will be able to attend your event to represent the hospital. However, each event is considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Can I use your tax identification number?

Although we cannot provide you with our tax identification number, we will give your donors a tax receipt when they make their gift online, by phone, or by check payable to Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. 

How do I ensure that all my donors will receive a tax receipt or participation thank-you letter?

All individual donations made directly to Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health will receive a tax receipt in accordance with IRS regulations, as well as a participation thank-you letter.

Do I need to be a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization to host an event? 

No, anyone can host a fundraising event. If you are currently with an organization that claims 501(c)(3) status and people make checks out to your organization, we cannot give them tax receipts. We are happy to send participant thank-you letters specific to your event. 

Will I be reimbursed for expenses?

We do not fund or financially support community fundraising events. We ask that you limit costs to 50% to ensure your donors’ support reaches our hospital. 

Can I donate toys, books, or other in-kind items to the hospital? 

We accept in-kind items on a case-by-case basis. We can only accept new toys in the box or with the tag. Email us at to discuss our in-kind program. 

Where and when can I deliver toys, books, and other in-kind items?  

Please send gift-in-kind donations directly to the hospital through the address on the Amazon Wish List. If you have questions, please email

Can I personally deliver my donations and/or in-kind gifts to the children?

All monetary donations should be submitted directly to the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health (400 Hamilton Ave., Suite 340, Palo Alto, CA 94301). Due to infection control and patient privacy, we do not allow donors to distribute items directly to patients. For more information, email

More questions? We’re here to help! Email us at

Major Gifts

What is the difference between endowed and expendable funds? 

Expendable funds are used in their entirety over a specific period of time. They are spent as directed by the donor and can fund a variety of purposes including research, uncompensated care, family support programs, community outreach, and facilities. 

Endowed funds and endowments, such as an endowed professorship or research fund, last in perpetuity. These gifts are invested for the long term and are meant to provide a permanent source of financial support to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford or the child health programs at Stanford School of Medicine. Each year, a portion of the fund—generally around 5%—is paid out and used for the purposes agreed upon by the donor and the hospital or School of Medicine at the time the gift was made.

What is the minimum gift level to establish an endowment?

The minimum gift level to establish an endowed fund is $100,000. 

Who manages the endowment? 

The endowment is pooled within the university’s endowment and is managed by Stanford Management Company. Stanford Management Company is a division of the university, governed by a board of directors appointed by the Board of Trustees of Stanford University. 

Can I pledge a large gift over time rather than an outright gift right now? 

Yes. Many donors find it easier to give sizable gifts by making a multi-year pledge rather than giving a lump sum. Pledges can be committed in one year and paid over a period of up to five years. We ask donors to commit to such a pledge in writing so that hospital and School of Medicine programs can count on those funds in their budgeting for the time period of the gift. 

How will my gift be recognized? How will I know how my gift is being used? 

The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health publishes an annual report on giving and recognizes donors on a donor wall in the hospital. Unless you have asked to be anonymous, your name may appear on the wall at the appropriate gift level.  

Donors who have established endowed funds or larger expendable funds will receive an annual report on the use of their gift. Reporting may include a written update or an in-person meeting. Annual financial reports are sent to all donors of endowed funds. 

In addition, donors are recognized in various gift societies based on the level of support.  

Whom should I contact to discuss a large gift opportunity?

To learn more, please email Keiko Endo at

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

What is a DAF?

A DAF is an investment account for charitable dollars. You can set it up easily and fund it with assets when the timing makes sense (e.g., for tax reasons). Then, you can hold the money there and let them invest and grow while you decide which specific charities you want to support over time.

I created a DAF. Now, how do I use it to make a gift?

Simply contact the fund administrator and let them know you have a grant recommendation. Many even allow you to do this online and track your previous gifts. The fund administrator will then contact the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and let us know the gift is coming.

Does the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health accept gifts from DAFs? 

Yes! Many of our supporters give in this way.

Stocks and Securities

How do I make a gift of stock?

  1. Contact your broker to arrange the gift. You may use the securities transfer form to make electronic transfers directly into our brokerage accounts at Charles Schwab or Morgan Stanley. Please send the form to your broker and email a copy to or fax to (650) 461-9980.
  2. Be sure to indicate if your gift should be directed to an area other than the Children’s Fund, which supports the hospital’s most critical needs in pediatric research, care for all, and family and community services. A small infrastructure charge is assessed on gifts to Stanford School of Medicine that are restricted for certain purposes.
  3. If you don’t have a broker, or if you have a certificate you would like to give, please call our Advancement Services team at (650) 461-9980 to arrange the gift and receive instructions on how to transfer the certificate.

Can I use stocks and securities in my estate planning? 

Stocks and other securities are commonly involved in planning your estate. This type of asset can fund various gift-planning vehicles and can be part of your estate-planning considerations. To learn more, contact our Gift Planning team at (650) 461-9990 or

Tribute Gifts

What is a tribute gift?

A tribute gift to our hospital can serve as a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one. Gifts can be directed either to the Children’s Fund, which supports pediatric research, care for all, and family and community services, or to programs in maternal and child health at the Stanford School of Medicine. A small infrastructure charge is assessed on gifts to the Stanford School of Medicine that are restricted for certain purposes. To recognize your generosity, we will send an acknowledgment letter that serves as your tax receipt.   

How can I make a tribute gift to the hospital?  

To ensure that your gift is received and processed properly, please pick from one of these four convenient giving options: 

  1. Online: Use our secure online donation form.
  2. Fundraising Pages: If your family and community would like to honor or remember your loved one in lieu of flowers, please contact for support with setting up a Fundraising Page. With our simple, online fundraising tools, you can watch your progress and send thank-you messages to supporters. Visit our Fundraise page to learn more about creating a personalized honorary or memorial gifts page.
  3. Mail: Complete and mail in our downloadable donation form with your check or credit card information to:
    Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
    Attn: Advancement Services
    PO Box 847105
    Los Angeles, CA 90084-7105
  4. Phone: Call the Advancement Services Department at (650) 461-9980.

Can I donate by sending my credit card information via fax or email?

For your protection, we do not accept credit card information through unsecured communications such as fax or email. Please use our secure online donation form or mail in our downloadable donation form. You also can call (650) 461-9980 to give over the phone. 

How do I direct friends and family to make gifts to the hospital in memory of a loved one? 

Directing gifts in memory of a loved one can be a meaningful way of building their legacy. The suggested language below may be used in an obituary or memorial notice: 

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that memorial donations be made to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. Gifts can be made online at or by check payable to Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, PO Box 847105, Los Angeles, CA 90084-7105.   

Or, consider creating a Fundraising Page that you can customize to support the area of your choice at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford.  

Can I obtain a list of individuals who have made gifts in my honor or in memory of a family member? 

Please call (650) 461-9980 to request this information. The list will reflect the number of donations and total amount received, but will not specify individual gift amounts. If you have created a Fundraising Page, an up-to-date donor list will be available there. 

How do I direct my tribute gift to a special area at the hospital or Stanford School of Medicine?

If you wish to support a specific area of interest, please call us at (650) 461-9980 to discuss the available fund designations. If you are donating in memory of a loved one, you can also request that all tribute donations be directed to a specific fund. If you are creating a Fundraising Page, please contact us at for more details. 

My friends and family have written tribute gift checks payable to me. Is the Foundation able to process these gifts and subsequently send receipts and acknowledge the donors?

If you would like to direct checks payable to you as donations to the hospital, please sign the checks over to the Foundation by endorsing them on the back. Please keep in mind that in doing so, you become the donor and will receive the tax receipt. We can send a letter to acknowledge the individual who wrote the check, but due to official IRS regulations, that individual will not receive tax credit for the charitable donation. 

Do you have donation envelopes available that I can distribute at an upcoming celebration of life or memorial service? 

Yes, we would be happy to send you preprinted donation envelopes addressed to the Foundation, including the required fields to make a tribute gift. Please call us at (650) 461-9980. 

Who should I contact if I am planning a benefit event?

Before you get started on planning your event, please visit the Fundraise section of our website, or contact us at Our staff will walk you through the approval process and share tools for a successful event. 

Will you send a card to acknowledge my tribute gift?

Yes. Please provide the name and address of the person you want to notify, and we’ll send them a card featuring patient artwork.

Will they know who gave the gift?

Yes. Your name and mailing address will be included in the acknowledgment card. 

Will they know how much I gave? 

No. We will simply acknowledge that a gift has been made; we won’t specify the amount. 

Who should I contact for more information?

Call our Advancement Services Department at (650) 461-9980.