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Health Complexity Indicators to Guide and Inform Policy, System- and Practice-Level Efforts: Supporting and Learning from Efforts in Oregon

Organization: Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership

Primary Contact: Colleen Reuland

Grant Amount: $166,608 for 24 months

Date Awarded:


Children with complex medical conditions often face significant social barriers to accessing and benefiting from available health care. The high cost of their care and their demands for professional time makes them of special interest to health insurers and providers. In a second phase grant, the Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership/Oregon Health Sciences University will disseminate findings from its experience with using system- and practice-level data to better identify and serve children with health and social complexity who are covered by Medicaid. Additionally, the project will provide technical assistance and facilitation to Oregon Medicaid and its managed care partners to develop clinical capacity to care for children with health complexity.